Friday, September 15, 2006

snowflake hot blower (assignment this week)

ok...this one didn't work online.....but download the 3 files (images and processing file) and save them to the same folder to run it in processing..

Resource files:

blower (.png file)
blower on (.png file)

Download Code (opens in notepad or processing)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

unique snowflakes

This is the beginning of an assignment for this week...recovering from illness :)

Launch Application

Download Code (opens in notepad or processing)

Publishing processing applications

So...I've been publishing some applications I've made in Processing. They required a lot of processing power to run all at once, so now I've made links to the application and code instead.
Here's a way to do that (step 3-5 is only done once to set things up for running the scripts):
  1. Press Ctrl+E to export your application - a folder called "applet" is created automatically in the same folder your processing file is located - the file with a ".jar" extention is the one you'll use online
  2. Upload you processing file and the .jar file to or your own webserver

  3. Download processing.txt (right click and save target as)
  4. Rename the file to processing.php (needed .txt extention to be able to download)
  5. Upload the .php file to the same location as your processing file on or other

  6. Make a link to the location of your processing file for viewing the code
  7. Link to the application from you blog by making a link like this:
  • "" is the address to my files online
  • "_1_2_a_b" is the name of my processing file without the extention .pde
  • "400" is the width of the application (x)
  • "600" is the height of the application (y)
  • these variables are modified to fit your application
  • use the link tool in the blogger editor to create a link
  • If you want the link to open in a new window, you'll have to choose the "Edit Html" tab on the top right of the editor, find you link starting like this:
    'a href="http://...'
    and change it to
    'a target="_blank" href="http://...'

    the 'target="_blank"' attribute within the link tag opens a new window when the link is clicked
Good luck and good night!!

Processing ERROR :) hehehe

Have a look at this program error in processing (I've been dreaming of doing that stuff with a serious program :)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Processing - gravity

I wrote a little gravity thing today (assignment) in processing:
(click to make them stick/release from the floor/sealing..)

Launch Application

Download Code (opens in notepad or processing)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Processing freakshow

In this one I've used two "for loops" with some random variables to create a freaky friday pattern effected by mouse movement:

Launch Application

Download Code (opens in notepad or processing)

Another processing thing

In this little program, two rectangles bounce around limited by the walls of the canvas. They cannot overlap. When the smaller one hits the bigger one, the bigger one increases or decreases its speed depending on whether they collide or the smaller one pushes it in the same direction as it's already going. (spectacularly formulated hehe :)

Launch Application

Download Code (opens in notepad or processing)


We've now been introduced to a program called "Processing". It's used for making interactive on-screen mockups. The programming language is Java - close to javascript and php which I'm quite familiar with, so I've been playing semi-advanced the first days :)

Here's a little paint brush program code. Processing can be downloaded here.

Launch Application

Download Code (opens in notepad or processing)

Creating meaning with no context

I'll post an assignment here later..